5. Back Kicks To Tone Your Glutes

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Get into plank position, placing hands & knees flat on the floor. Place left leg in a straight position behind your body.  Use right leg for support.  Lift left leg to the horizontal position.  Squeeze your butt at the top of the exercise.  You should feel this in your hamstrings & glutes.  Perform 15 reps & repeat on left leg.

4. Side Raises for Your Rear

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Get into plank position, placing hands & knees flat on the floor.  Place left leg out to the side of your body.  Lift leg to the horizontal position, only moving your active leg.  Be sure to engage your core muscles during this exercise.  Squeeze your butt at the top of the exercise.  You should feel this in your glutes, hamstrings & the side of your quad.  Perform 15 reps & repeat on right leg.

3. Step-Ups For Your Posterior

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Stand upright facing a bench, step or raised area.  Place right foot on a raised area.  If you own 2 dumbbells or 2 heavy books, hold them by your sides with your arms straight down.  Push up & step onto the raised area with both feet.  Step down with left foot & keep other on raised area.  Repeat on opposite side.  Do 10 reps on each leg.

2. Booty Burns

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Get into plank position, placing hands & knees flat on the floor.  Place left leg behind your body & bend knee at a 90 degree angle.  Make sure hips are flat.  By squeezing your bum, lift foot to the ceiling.  Perform 20 reps & repeat on right leg.

1. Bottom Bridge Lifts

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Lie on your back with your knees bent & feet flat on the floor.  Place you hands by your side.  Lift your pelvis towards the ceiling.  Create a straight line by aligning your knees, hips & shoulders.  While holding this position (don’t forget to breathe ladies!) straighten out your right leg.  Keep your knees together & hips flat.  Perform 5 lifts per side, while keeping your hips in the air.  After completing rep, hold for 5 counts.  Repeat on left side.  You will feel this in your butt & core.

Great job girls!  You have completed the 5 ways to tone your tushie.  And if you are feeling good (and want those buns of steel) repeat the circuit from the beginning.

Enjoy your tone!


2 responses »

  1. msecades says:

    Just in time for Spring Break!

  2. JR says:

    Pictures are great with your instructions. Twenty reps!!

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