Hey there fitness chicks!

So Sunday might be the day of rest, but there is no reason not to get in a good stretch today girls.  Remember the benefits of stretching. It is a great way to wake up that body & get your blood moving.  Here are a few “how to” stretches to make your Sunday splendid.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies!


Lunge Stretch

quad hip stretch

Place your right foot in front & bend both legs to almost a 90 degree angle or as far as you can until you feel the stretch in your hip flexor & quad.  Make sure that you open your hip & keep your core tight.  Hold this stretch for 30 seconds.  Repeat on left side.

Side Lunge

hamstring hip stretch point

Place your hands in front of you on the floor, right leg straight out to the side & left leg bent with your knee open.  Point your right toe to the floor.  Make sure you open your hips & gently press your hamstring closer to the floor.  Hold this stretch for 30 seconds.  Repeat lunge on the opposite side.

hamstring hip stretch

After, return to the left side & instead of pointing the toe, flex your foot.  You should feel this behind your knee.  Hold for 30 seconds.  Repeat on opposite side.

Shoulder Stretch

shoulder stretch

Find a flat raised area at least hip height.  Place both hands on the raised area & push your chest to the floor.  Open your shoulders & keep your head between your arms.  You should form a 90 degree angle with your body, keeping the legs & core tight.  Hold for 25 seconds.  Repeat once.

Butt Stretch

glutes stretch

Place the top of your ankle above the knee; you should form a number 4 with your legs.  Sit into the stretch as far as you can.  If you are new to this stretch, you can find an area for balance.  Keep your chest open & head up.  You should feel this stretch in your bum & side of your quad.  Hold this stretch for 30 seconds.  Repeat on opposite side.

Calf Stretch

calf stretch           Calf Stretch

Find a slightly raised area.  Place left foot on the ledge with the heel of the foot off the edge.  Press heel down to the floor, until you feel a stretch in your calf muscle.  Hold this for 25 seconds.  Switch & repeat on right foot.  Once you have done both sides, repeat once.

10 responses »

  1. Gym Mom says:

    Sunday is a perfect day for a good stretch

  2. Sharon says:

    Great Sunday wake-up call

  3. svrod16 says:

    Love the calf stretch!

  4. ndiaz2013 says:

    Love these… Did them last night before bed and again this morning 🙂
    Thanks for the reminder of how important it is to stretch

  5. JR says:

    Now some of these are staples!

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