Hey lovely ladies!

So we are coming up on that time of the season… it will start to get warmer outside, we will begin to trade in our sweaters for tank tops, boots for sandles and begin looking online for swimsuits or dresses for all those summer weddings we have been invited to.  And hey, you might even be getting married yourself!

So how about some arm exercises for that beach body or bridesmaid dress??  I know it might be early, but arms are one of those tough places to tone, so let’s start now!  Add these exercises to your fitness routine 3 to 4 times a week & begin to see results in no time.



Backward Dips

ledge press up   ledge press down

Find a raised ledge a little less then hip height.  Facing away from the ledge, place both hands behind you on the ledge.  Keep core tight & hips flat in starting position.  Bend arms & dip until elbows are at a 90 degree angle; you can bend your hips slightly when completing the exercise.  Push back up to the starting position.  Complete 2 sets of 15 dips.

Push Up Shoulder Touches

push up front        push up right arm

push up front left arm

Begin in a push up plank position with your core tight, hips flat & chin up looking straight forward.  After finding your balance, touch your right hand to your right shoulder.  Repeat on the left side.  Do 10 reps on each side.  Repeat complete exercise twice.

Shoulder Shrugs & Plank Hold

push up plank

Begin in a push up plank position with your core tight, hips flat & chin up looking straight forward.  You are going to push up thru your shoulders slightly.  Repeat this exercise 15 times, with a 30 second hold in the starting position at the end of the set of shrugs.  Repeat complete exercise twice.

Directional Arm Lifts

arm exercise

  arm exercise     arm exercise

arm exercise   arm exercise

Start in the standing position, with your arms straight down.  Next bring your arms to the side, then back down to the starting position.  Next bring arms straight in front of you, then back down into the starting position.  Repeat arm lift to the back & to the ceiling, always retuning to the starting position.  Repeat 10 times in each position.  Complete 2 reps.  If you are feeling strong, add some weight.  If you don’t have hand weights, you can also grab 2 soup cans (one for each hand) from your kitchen pantry.

Side Swings

side swing top

side swing down

Position yourself in a side plank position, with your left arm pointing straight to the ceiling.  Keeping your core tight & hips flat, swing your left arm inside the space between you & the floor.  Make sure to keep the base arm nice & tight, core strong & hips flat.  Do 8 reps & repeat on right side.

7 responses »

  1. charityhitt says:

    You are awesome thanks for the tips!! 🙂

  2. Gym Mom says:

    Those should get my arms ready for the beach!

  3. Sharon says:

    My artful arms look more like Renaissance era…but I’m trying 😉

  4. Emily Brown says:

    About how high is that stack of mats? It looks a lot higher than a standard chair– any suggestions for around the house furniture?

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