Alrighty girls, what you all have been waiting for…

Time to tone that tummy of yours! This is a hard place to tighten, so add these to your routine to get a strong stomach before bathing suit season!



Side Lifts

side lift down   side lift up

Lie on your side & place your left elbow right under your shoulder for support.  Place right arm above your head & reach towards the ceiling.  To perform the exercise, push your hips towards the ceiling keeping your body in line, core engaged & shoulder tight. Hold for 2 counts at the top & lower back down.  Do 10 reps & switch to the opposite side.  Repeat both sides twice.

Tummy Twists

russian twist left   russian twist left

Sit up on your on your bum, pick up feet off the floor & angle knees & hips at a 90 degree angle.  Start exercise by reaching hands to the left side of the body, then crossing over to the right.  Completely twist midsection to each side.  Counting only 1 side, perform the exercise 20 times.  If you are feeling strong, add weight to your twist by holding a medicine ball or a heavy book.

Toe Touches   

toe touch down     toe touch up

Lie on your back with your feet towards the ceiling & arms flat on the floor above your head.  Your hips should be in a 90 degree angle.  Reach up towards your toes, engaging your core & keeping your legs in position.  Finish exercise in the start position.  Do 15 reps. Repeat once.

Cross Crunch

  crunch cross down

cross crunch up

Lie on back with knees bent & arms behind your head.  Engage your core & reach your right elbow to your left knee.  Repeat on opposite side.  Counting only one side, perform 20 reps.

Plank Core Lifts

elbow plank    elbow plank up

In the plank position on your elbows, engage your core & squeeze your bum so your hips are flat.  Raise hips slightly & return to the starting position.  Do 15 reps, with a 20 second hold at the end of the exercise. Repeat once.

4 responses »

  1. Gym Mom says:

    I can feel those tummy muscles just watching! I will try them out later today!

  2. sjsusock says:

    Thanks for the post! I needed a good ab workout routine. I think I may be able to do this one! Keep the ab tips coming!

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