Traveling in the near future girls?

No need to forget about your workouts on a trip!  With a 2 hour layover at the airport, what else are you going to do to pass the time?

Here are a few great exercises to do to tone up during your downtime at the airport…

Airport Treadmill


Find yourself a moving sidewalk & go in the opposite direction, utilizing it like a treadmill for your warm-up.  Make sure you look for a low traffic area, say excuse me & don’t run into any other travelers.  Walk briskly for 5 minutes.

Moving Walkway Plank Hold


Stay on the same moving sidewalk from the prior exercise.  Position yourself in the plank position, with your elbows on one side & feet flexed on the other as your base for the hold.  Keep your core engaged, butt tight & shoulders pushed up.  Hold the plank for the entire stretch of the sidewalk.  Do 3 sets.

Moving Walkway Hollow Hold

plank backwards

Stay on the same moving sidewalk from the prior exercise.  Place shoulders on one side & heels on the other.  Place arms either to your side or above your head.  Keep core engaged, butt tight, chin to the ceiling & legs straight.  Hold the plank for the entire stretch of the sidewalk.  Do 3 sets.  You should feel this in your core, butt, & hamstrings.

Stair Master


Find yourself an escalator & go in the opposite direction, utilizing it like a stair master.  Make sure you look for a low traffic area, say excuse me & don’t run into any other travelers.  Perform exercise for at least 10 minutes.

Airport Seat Squats

squat   squat down

Find a seat near your departure gate.  Stand in front of the seat as though you are going to sit down.  Squat, barely touching your tush to the seat & stand back up to the starting position.  Keep good posture, core tight & chin forward.  Perform exercise 15 times.  Do 2 sets.  You should feel this in your quads, butt, hamstrings & hips.

While You Wait Wall Sits

wall sit

Find a wall near your departure gate.  Lean against the wall, only touching your head, shoulders & back.  While keeping your core tight, bend knees to a 90 degree angle, hang arms by your side & place feet straight forward.  Hold this position for 45 seconds.  Repeat 3 times.  You should feel this in your quads, butt, hamstrings & hips.

Terminal Toning Squats

one leg squat up     one leg squat down

Find a seat near your departure gate.  Stand in front of the seat & place the top of your foot on the edge of the seat.  Squat until your base leg is at a 90 degree angle.  Return to the starting position.  Keep good posture, core tight & chin forward.  Perform exercise 15 times on both right & left legs.  Do 2 sets on each.  If you want a challenge, wear your book bag or travel bag as extra weight.  You should feel this in your quads, butt & hamstrings.

20 responses »

  1. msecades says:

    I wish I would have thought about this a few months back when I was stuck in the airport for a good three hours. Also, congrats on the SEC title!

  2. Casey says:

    Love this one…makes me want to try some at the airport this week before my trip!

  3. Casey says:

    Love this one…makes me want to try these out when I’m at the airport later this week!!

  4. eabrown1 says:

    Ashley, you are legit! I love the idea of planking my way via walking sidewalk to the next terminal. Next time you should have a camera in your hands to take pictures of people passing by.

  5. Hahaha How long until you were kicked off the moving sidewalk?

    Loved this 🙂

    • akerr87 says:

      Lol surprisingly we got around the airport police. And who can stop a good workout right??

      • svrod16 says:

        This is not only creative, but really fun (especially taking into consideration the faces of the bystanders). This is true proof that you really can “get fit in small bits.” Great stuff!

  6. sjsusock says:

    I wish I knew about this on my previous plane trips. I always used vacation as an excuse to not have to work out… but you proved that to be wrong! I appreciate your tip, and thank you for continuing to motivate me. Keep the workout tips coming! I need the help!

    • akerr87 says:

      In my opinion it is actually the best time to get it in because you usually have more downtime. Also, we normally “splurg” more on food/drinks etc. on vacation, so it is important to get in a little extra exercise. And lastly, you don’t want to break your great and healthy routine because it is harder to get back into after you have had the break!

      Thanks for reading!

  7. Really helpful pictures and explanations. The most frustrating thing about looking up workouts online are the horrible instructions and lack of pictures. How many weird looks did you get from people doing those planks??

  8. When I’m waiting for a flight in the airport, I pretty much just text and eat sour gummy worms. I never even thought about taking advantage of the time to exercise… And as we all know, vacations are pretty much excuses to over-indulge so it’s nice to know ways to fight the bulge (haha, I’m lame).

    I really like how consistent you are throughout your post… The pictures are all the same size and have the same rounded edges, the bolded titles to each exercise are all blue. I think being aesthetically-pleasing is important when you have a fan base that expects quality from you. I love how this post is humorous without even trying to be funny. I.e. my previous comment about the moving walkways.

  9. ajustice27 says:

    DId you get some funny looks or what? HAHA! Creative post nonetheless.

  10. […] 3) Make sure you get your work-out in if you’re traveling this weekend with Ashley’s traveling tone up. […]

  11. Marisa says:

    This is a great idea — i never considered exercising at the airport before, but I never have less than a two hour layover anywhere, and this seems like such a refreshing idea after being cooped up on a plane! Airports should capitalize on this…. little stretching stations in each terminal…

  12. akerr87 says:

    I agree! It is a great way to pass the time and get in a little exercise or stretch.. especially because you will be sitting most of the day. It is good to get the body moving. When I do get in a little something at the airport, I honestly feel better the next day.

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