Got a yoga ball that’s collecting dust ladies??  

Well, now is the time to re-inflate that stability ball of yours for some great exercises.  This ball of wonder has infinite possibilities, but here are a few exercises to help you tone multiple areas of your body.  Reunite with your yoga ball girls, it won’t let you down!

Ball Plank Hold

plank hold

Place the ball under the tops of your feet.  Place your hands under your shoulders in the push up position.  Engage your core, tighten your tush, keep arms straight & head in line, while keeping your body in a nice straight line.  Hold this position for 45 seconds.  Repeat 3 times.  You should feel this in your core, arms & back.

Ball Chest Lifts

wall chest lifts down      wall chest lifts up

Place your hips on the ball & put your feet against a wall for support.  Place your hands behind your head, while keeping it inline looking straight forward.  While keeping your core engaged, lift chest, arching back & squeezing your bum.  Lower back down.  Do 15 reps.  Repeat 2 times.  You should feel this in your core, bum & hamstrings.

Ball Side Crunch

 wall side crunch down

 wall side crunch up

Place your right hip on the ball & put your feet against a wall for support.  Place your hands behind your head & look straight forward.  Make sure you keep your core engaged for balance on the ball.  Once in place, arch up by performing a side crunch.  Hold for 2 seconds & then lower back down to the start position.  Do 20 reps.  Repeat on opposite side.  You should feel this in your obliques.

 Hamstring Curls

 hamstring out

hamstring in

Place your heels on the ball & lift your hips to the ceiling until they are flat.  Place your hands to the side & keep chin down.  While tightening your bum & engaging your core, pull your heels into your butt.  Return to the start position & repeat.  Do 10 reps.  Repeat twice.  You should feel this in your butt & hamstrings.

Ball Hold Lifts

core ball lifts down

core ball lifts up

Lie on your back.  Hold the ball above your head, making a straight line with your body.  Lift your upper body off the floor, then lower back down to the start position.  Keep your legs straight & core tight.  Do 25 reps.  Repeat twice.  You will feel this in your core.

Ball Jumps

wall jumps start        wall jumps down

wall jump up

Place one side of the ball against the wall & the other side in the crest of your lower back.  Stand up straight & look forward.  Bend knees into a small squat position, then push thru legs & explode off the floor.  Land with bent knees & return to the start position.  Do 20 reps.  Repeat twice.  You should feel this in your quads & calfs.

Ball Leg Lift

leg lift up

leg lift down

Lie on your back & place the yoga ball between your feet.  You will form a L-shape with your body.  Place your arms out to the side.  While engaging your core, lower legs to the floor, touch ball briefly, then return to the start position.  During the exercise, make sure your back stays completely flat on the floor.  Do 10 reps.  Repeat twice.  You will feel this

8 responses »

  1. msecades says:

    Great post! The pictures really help, and I think these yoga ball exercises will be a nice alternative to just using the machines at the gym all the time. Thanks.

  2. ampodoll says:

    This is great! I’m so happy you included pictures with it. This is easier to understand with the visuals, and your post explains exactly how to do it. Good job!

  3. sjsusock says:

    Yep…I do have a yoga ball that is collecting dust. It’s like you can read my mind…thanks again for the tip and motivation!

  4. Marisa says:

    These exercises are great; I’ve been doing typical core workouts with a ball for a long time, but there are a few here I haven’t seen before. I’ll be adding these to my next workout session!

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