brain foodPhoto Courtesy of Science Photo Library

I believe we are all guilty of sometimes neglecting one of the most important muscles in our body…

The Brain. 

Ironic because it is our memory, but I have to admit it is very easy to forget about that powerful muscle sitting up on top.  Nevertheless, it needs just as much attention as our abs & butts girls!  And even though we don’t workout our noggin on the elliptical or treadmill, it is an essential muscle we must train & fuel frequently.

Found this article today & thought it was very interesting.  The article talks about the food we should eat for our minds.  Give it a quick read.  You’ll learn quite a bit about how to appropriately feed your thinker!

Enjoy your Thursday!


5 responses »

  1. Gym Mom says:

    Great article! Thanks

  2. C C Esch says:

    Thanks so much for sharing such a great article! I will have to try some peppermint tea. 🙂

  3. Speaking of thinking…

    I’ve been totally sick for the past 3 days and haven’t been able to get my workout on…

    so I thought maybe you could do a post about workouts you could do while a little under the weather!

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